Wales Centre for Behaviour Change: Approach, Theory and Application
Voyage into Chaos One challenge for positive psychology is in providing solutions that generalize or have universal effects (particularly given its scope across the population). However, there is some evidence that not everyone benefits from the same intervention (Lyubomirsky et al., 2011). Indeed, our own work in primary schools using interventions such as Three Good…
Workshop on the use of evidence in public sector policy
I am sitting on stage, next to Dr Ruth Hussey, Chief Medical Officer for Wales. There is a large audience looking expectantly at us. Sir Adrian Webb of the Big Lottery is directing questions from the floor. Someone has just asked how we can get politician’s to be more accepting of research evidence when they…
Changing Behaviour at Bangor University
Over 40 academics attended our Research Innovation workshop on behaviour change. I don’t think I am exaggerating when I say that it was a vibrant and excited crowd of people who we keen to make the most of the 4 hour session. There were some hungry looking faces by the end, but talk of obesity…
Helping Business Behave
We all know how to live a better life. For a start, we would eat more fruit and vegetables, we would exercise more, probably drink a little less. We would also stop smoking. We would work hard and enjoy the time we have with our friends and families. We’d also do more in the local…
Kolding Design Camp 2012
What do you do when you want to change someone’s behaviour? You can ask them to change. You could put up a poster. Perhaps try and explain why they should change. Or alternatively, you could make subtle changes to the environment to subtly influence the automatic behaviour of the individual to do what you want…